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Friday, October 26, 2018

Project Rainbow

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There are hardly any sports books from India that one can read barring a few from cricket. This book particularly interested me as the topic was about professional cycling a sport that is catching up now in India and the fact that there was a book about how British cycling has reached such a dominant spot in the world made it more appealing to read.
Ideally this book is a worth while read for any sports manager or administrator as it highlights the process that British Cycling used to build such impregnable top class team across all formats of professional cycling be it the team pursuits, track cycling or even road races.
The author himself is a professional cyclist and is about this journey as a coach and what it takes to spot, build and nurture world beating team. The importance of discipline in training is some thing the author keeps stressing upon with various examples and outcomes.
The dominance of the a British cycling ever since this program was put in place is evident from the results that British cyclists have won in the various world championship and Olympics starting form the Sydney Olympics of 2000. The Grass root level talent spotting program has yielded some of the biggest names in the cycling world from team Great Britain. A good amount of information on how British Cycling became a professional unit, the races strategies used are the highlights in the book.
The likes of Mark Cavendish, Geraint Thomas, Bradley Wiggins, Chris Froome who are and were the biggest stars in the cycling world and their journey across the major cycling events be the Tour de France, Giro d'Italia etc etc and the work ethics of team Sky make it a worth while read for any sports affectionado.

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