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Monday, January 15, 2018

Book Review - The Cult of the Amateur

A book that is almost a decade old but most of the concerns raised largely remain even to this day and I would say has increased multi fold. With the advent of Web 2.0 , Social media we have seen a unprecedented rise in the no of blogs or YouTube by amateurs on various topics ranging from sociology to Politics. The author has given the downside of this information age where unverified news by amateurs has led to a surge in fake news which eventually shape public opinions on critical topics which should ideally be handled by reputed media houses. It is unfortunate that this phenomenon has led many educated very informed internet users to fall prey to such fake news .
The likes of Wikipedia or YouTube have in one sense made information and self expression universally democratic but at the same time given rise to millions of amateur who are not trained nor are they subject matter experts take the place of trained media professionals. From media to music to news the threat of Web 2.0 with its uncontrolled growth is something the future generations will have to deal with.
A thought provoking book to understand the past and future of information age

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